Friday, 23 August 2013

Miss Bloom's Nursery!

This week has not been a typical week, Phil has been at home all week helping to look after the girls and of course helping me to recoup following my surgery too.

I have been suffering from cabin fever and in a normal week I would see my mum a couple of times at a minimum, so to get rid of cabin fever we all headed over to my mums.

For anyone who reads my blog on a regular basis, you will know that going to my mums house, or Nana's house as it is called by Ruby, is a really magically place, the house is set in 16 acres of land and has the most amazing vegetable plot that my step father tends too. I am always amazed at the variety, quantity and quality of the fruit and veg grown in their garden; if I am honest, I am a little jealous as we do not have the space for a large vegetable plot, but we are growing some veg as Ruby blogged about last week when she gave our vegetable patch update.

Nana asked Ruby if she would like to help her in the vegetable garden; it didn't even take two minutes for Ruby to rush to the back door and pull her willies on! Ruby loves the great outdoors especially at Nana's as there is always something to do.

Ruby helped nana to collect some French and Runner beans.

She searched for raspberries, but none ended up in the basket and instead when into Ruby's mouth!

She checked on the cucumbers and tomatoes but they were not quite ready to be picked.

We had fun counting how many apples and pears there were on the trees.

Ruby's favourite in the garden had to be the rhubarb, she loves the big leaves and we played a game of peek a boo in the rhubarb!

I then helped her pick the rhubarb and Ruby loved walking around with the long stems and big leaves.

Ruby and I decided to visit the lake, as I've said in previously blog posts the lake is a special place for me as its so quiet and peaceful, Ruby also loves it too.

We fed the fish and even saw a little moorhen on the water too!

After walking back from the lake, my knee was starting to hurt so I had to go back inside and rest whilst Ruby spent the rest of the afternoon playing outside with Lottie and daddy. I can't wait to be back to full health and be able to get back to normal.


  1. Sounds magical and hope your knee heals soon x

  2. Reminds me of my own childhood, nothing like picking your own food. Hope you are feeling better soon #countrykids

    1. I agree picking your own is fab, thanks for commenting x

  3. Your children are so lucky to have a magical place to visit on a regular basis. Nothing beats seeing how our food grows. What a fab experience for Ruby and Lottie. Take it easy.

  4. wow what a veg plot your mum has!! i would love one too! i do hope your feeling much better x

  5. I love Nanas place and can see why your girls love it there too. I bet haveing you Mum local has been so helpful while you recover. Thakns for linking and hope you continue to feel stonger soon.

    1. Yes it really is a blessing to have my mum so close x

  6. What a gorgeous place!! No wonder she loves it :) oooh rhubarb..yumyum! X

    1. We love rhubarb too, Ruby shall be helping me later to make something x

  7. Oh wow this place looks so magical, would love to have a Nanas house like this, bet the kids love it. Those cucumbers look amazing - I love grow your own produce
    Hope your recovery goes well
    Just popping over from country kids

    Laura x

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon, 'Nana's house' looks amazing!

  9. I hope you're feeling better after your operation.A day in the veg patch will sure to help with recuperating.Popping over from Country Kids.

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